
Sponsor Only

Anton is totally deaf. He also suffers gum and pain issues, he’s about 5 or 6 years old. His family moved overseas but he didn’t settle, hiding inside the sofa and only coming out at night, so it was no life.

They made the difficult descion to surrender him. When he first came to us he was very shy and nervous, but we’ve worked with him one to one and he’s now much more confident and affectionate, but will need time to settle and lots of love. Available to sponsor or adopt to the right home. He’ll need to be an inside cat only as hs deafness makes the world far too dangerous a place for him. He’s great with other cats but couldn’t cope with very young children.

Contact Us

Thanks for your interest in Robin Hood Cats Rescue. Just so you are aware we are a voluntary lead organization with no paid staff. We will aim to get in touch with you as soon we can but please be aware that we are all volunteers and often very busy!