Boris - one of our very special elderly long term fosters since 2020 - has suffered from chronic inflammatory bowel disease, inflammation and fluid build up in the gut and severe dehydration and gum inflammation/disease, which has affected his dental health extremely, rotting the majority of his teeth away.

Boris was diagnosed with chronic/severe calicivirus 2 weeks ago and will require lengthy, experimental and complicated treatment, as chronic calicivirus is rare.

Boris' treatment will cost a lot and we are asking if you could donate towards his ongoing treatment, we always appreciate any donations every £1 will make a difference and we are forever grateful for your help 😻

  • PayPal friends & family payments:
  • Bank Transfer: send a text saying BORIS to 07785 361477 and I'll text back with our bank account details.

  • Thank you for wanting to help our cats and kittens at Robin Hood Cats Rescue.
    You can donate, as a one off, or weekly/monthly from your bank account to our bank account for any amount. Would you like to sponsor a specific Cat? (check out our Adoptions page or Jo can ring you and chat through some of our long term foster cats that need sponsorship).
    Cats Rescue Bank details:
    Joanna Howes

    11-05-76 acc no. 00599305
    Friends & family payment through PayPal to:

    Amazon buy list:
    Amazon Wishlist

    Contact Us

    Thanks for your interest in Robin Hood Cats Rescue. Just so you are aware we are a voluntary lead organization with no paid staff. We will aim to get in touch with you as soon we can but please be aware that we are all volunteers and often very busy!