
Ideal as an only cat

Bubbles is a beautiful Bengal cross, is fealess and affectionate, prefering the company of humans to other animals .

Like all Bengals she’s active, playful, and whip smart, having already worked out how to open doors. She’s not a lap cat, but does like to be close to her human, so if you ever work from home, be prepared for her to sleep in your office, just so she can keep an eye on you.

Although she’s a cross, she has all the Bengal traits; tight, low shedding silky coat, large ears, full of energy and very vocal, havig a different sounds for everything. She’s one of those cats you can have a full on converation with.

She has a lovely temperament, doesn’t scratch or bite (although does like to play rough with her toys), enjoys her scratch post, which usually means playtime, sleeps in her little igloo bed on the landing but loves to come onto the bed in the mornings for loads of fuss & belly rubs.. .

She has absolutely no fear of dogs and seems to think they’re just bigger, scruffier cats.

Added bonus, shes been trained to the harness! She loves going out in the mornings for a couple of hours but doesn’t go far, so ideally she’ll have access to a garden.

She’s discovred the joys of cat TY, sitting and watching transfixed, so you may have to monotor screen time. She’s in foater in B48, which is about an hour from Nottingham, so if you’d like to visit, we can take you down personally door to door.

Contact Us

Thanks for your interest in Robin Hood Cats Rescue. Just so you are aware we are a voluntary lead organization with no paid staff. We will aim to get in touch with you as soon we can but please be aware that we are all volunteers and often very busy!