

Fostered in NG5, Valanino was found in a car park in St Anns, completely feral, but has turned into the most loving kitty imaginable

He’d obviously had a very rough start in life as he had numerous health issues, the most serious of which was joint dysplasia in both back knees - he has a wobbly way of getting around and climbs with his front legs. His enviroment needs to suit his abilities.

Valentino has recurring nasal and upper respiratory infections and can sneeze for England - watch out for the most amazing sneezy-snot!

Valentino has a permanent place with us due to his needs and would love somesponsors to help with his food (soft food as he had his teeth removed), and his vets bills. He often needs antibiotics and food suppliments. We make sure he has the bestest cuddles and all the assistance he needs to get aroud safely on his wobbly legs.

Available to adopt, great with other cats and people, very calm.

Contact Us

Thanks for your interest in Robin Hood Cats Rescue. Just so you are aware we are a voluntary lead organization with no paid staff. We will aim to get in touch with you as soon we can but please be aware that we are all volunteers and often very busy!